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Our highly experienced analysts have retained connections with top managements of key companies to bring you in-depth analysis, valuation and recommendation for your next investment decision.

Published onCompany/SectorCodeTitle Research PDF
July 17, 2019FMI00001Improving profit from bank and real estate
July 3, 2019MTSH00002Better 2018/19 earnings driven by MTJD
July 16, 2018ECONNew era for company law in Myanmar
January 11, 2018MTSH000021H2017/18 earnings declined 47.9% YoY; expect improvement HoH
January 3, 2018FMI00001Looking for a brighter outlook in 2H18
July 20, 2017FMI00001Real estate boosted 2H 03/17 profit
February 16, 2017ECONMyanmar’s economic growth remains relatively healthy
January 19, 2017FPB00004Positioned to capitalize on growth cycle
December 27, 2016FMI00001Real estate should recover slower than expected
December 14, 2016MTSH00002Zone A and Zone B both going well
October 12, 2016ECONMyanmar approves new investment law
October 4, 2016FMI00001Mobile banking license granted
October 3, 2016MTSH00002Zone A and Zone B both progressing well
August 26, 2016MCB00003Strong growth down the road
July 21, 2016MTSH00002Announced FY2015/16 DPS at 2,500 Kyat, implying a 5% yield
June 30, 2016FMI00001Core profit weaker than estimated
May 19, 2016MTSH00002The first SEZ in Myanmar with a high standard
March 25, 2016FMI00001A lot of low‐cost land, a good bank and much more
March 22, 2016STRATEGYMyanmar Stock Exchange…ready to kick off
March 18, 2016MTSH00002The first SEZ in Myanmar plans to be listed in March
March 18, 2016BANKGradual financial reform underway
March 16, 2016MTSH00002The first SEZ in Myanmar plans to be listed in March
March 16, 2016ECONU Htin Kyaw elected as president of Myanmar
January 6, 2016FPB00004Growth prospects underway
January 6, 2016MCB00003Looking toward a new era of growth
January 6, 2016MTSH00002The first SEZ in Myanmar with a high standard
January 6, 2016FMI00001Streamlining its focus toward investments with good potential
December 9, 2015BANKNew growth engine in the region, but challenges remain
November 23, 2015ECONProgress toward liberalization driving economic growth…
November 16, 2015FACTQuick Facts, Figures and Outlook